Try the Social Trading indicator: watch others trade and make your moves!

Do you hesitate when making real trades? Do you feel the lack of the practice experience? Try the Social Trading tool!

Released last year, it became one of the popular tools among traders. Newcomers and mature traders called it inspiring and motivating. Why?

 — It shows trading on Binomo in real-time. You can see the detailed info on trades being opened right now and analyze other traders’ decisions

 — It allows you to double-check your forecasts and get additional proof that other traders also find the current market attractive. It’s highly valuable when you fear to make a mistake

 — It helps you not to feel alone anymore. On the contrary, you can have proof of being a part of a big international community!

When the Social Trading is on, plenty of badges appear above and below the price curve. Each badge contains information on another person’s trade: its color reflects the forecasted price direction, and the sum indicates the trade amount. You can’t see the expiration time, but the trade vanishes from the chart after it closes.

To try Social Trading, please open the Trading Tools section. You’ll find it in the list of indicators. Also, there’ll be a handy description of how to use it and what limitations the indicator has.

Have a profitable day!

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