What trading style suits you the most?

Some questions can have two or more correct answers

Can’t decide what suits you best in trading? Take our express test and determine which type of trading suits your nature.

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What time do you usually start trading?
I start trading in the middle of the day, usually consistently throughout the week.
I usually start in the evening and finish late at night.
I mainly trade in the morning for 5-20 minutes.
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Who is your trading ideal?
Warren Buffett
Ray Dalio
George Soros
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Your favorite trading strategy?
Seasonal trading
Swing trading
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What information do you usually rely on in trading
Investment news
Technical analysis
Fundamental analysis
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Result: 💡Investing

Key recommendations:

The main goal of investments is to generate income from the invested money, although they are also used to preserve existing capital. The key concept of investing is the investment asset – resources that are used to generate benefits. These include securities, real estate, currency, deposits, precious metals, equipment, brands, patents, copyrights, and even education.

At the same time, investments are associated with risks. The higher the risk associated with an investment, the higher the potential profitability can be. Conversely, relatively reliable investments never allow for high earnings to be expected.

😀Consider this type of investment of your funds, and in the meantime, use a hot gift with a promo code from Binomo to expand your horizons on this platform.

Result: 💡Scalping

Key recommendations:

Short-term trading is an approach where traders hold assets for a few days, hours, or even minutes. The main focus of short-term traders is to search for short-term changes in asset prices and attempt to profit from such fluctuations.

The opportunity to generate quick profits through short-term price fluctuations of assets. Flexibility and the ability to react quickly to market changes. Relatively low risk level due to the short holding period of assets.

😀Think about this type of trading, and in the meantime, use a hot gift with a promo code from Binomo to expand your horizons on this platform.

Result: 💡Long-term trading

Key recommendations:

Long-term trading is an investment and trading approach based on holding assets for extended periods, often for several years. The main goal of long-term traders is to forecast market trends based on fundamental analysis and profit from the asset’s price growth over time.

Long-term traders can avoid short-term market volatility and noise by focusing on fundamental factors. The opportunity to generate greater profits by holding assets for an extended period and benefiting from price growth. Less need for constant market monitoring and making immediate decisions.

😀Think about this type of trading, and in the meantime, use a hot gift with a promo code from Binomo to expand your horizons on this platform.

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